الثلاثاء 24 سبتمبر 2024
تم تسجيل طلبك بنجاح

اجمل حالات حب واتس اب بالانجليزي

انت في الصفحة 1 من صفحتين

موقع أيام نيوز

يبحث الكثير عن حالات واتس اب باللغة الانجليزية لذالك احببنا ان نلبي رغبتكم وبحثكم عن العبارات الانجليزية لإستخدامها علي الواتس اب الخاص بكم , اختارو ما تريدون من بين تلك العبارات والحالات القصيرة الانجليزية للواتس اب نتمني ان تنال اعجابكم.

حالات واتس اب انجليزي

  • Never say goodbye when you still want to try. Never give up when you can still take it. Never say you don’t love them when you can’t let go
  • If you ain’t willing to sacrifice and give shit up for your relationship do not be in one. Lol it takes two for everything and I promise when you realize u wanna start a life with someone your whole mindset changes overtime and u won’t even care because you love them so much
  • You ask people about love and they tell you about heartbreak
  • I keep his sweet words like old love letters; tied up in ribbons in the back of my mind
  • This is dedicated to all Love failures & One-sided love hearts..!! His words are so mature..Stop it & move on
  • I’ll call you back when I get home on Sunday afternoon, and P.S., if this is Austin, I still love you
  • I hope you all fall in love with someone who never stops choosing you and I hope you feel at home when you look at them
  • She doesn’t love you. She’s just lonely
  • If you’ve been broken and still have the courage to be gentle to others, you deserve love deeper than the ocean itself
  • My love for my boyfriend runs so deep no words or actions could ever amount to how deeply i feel
  • Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you.
  • i want to hear from you the words “i love you
  • Be a best friend, tell the truth, and overuse I love you
  • If you don’t know what you love, you are lost
  • I wanna be there when you wake up, be more than just your friend, baby there’s no mistaken’, you’re the love I wanna be in
  • Someday, I will find someone who will love me and accept me for who I am
  • When I say, “I love you,” I don’t say it out of habit. I say it to remind you that you’re the best thing that ever happened to me
  • It’s all fun and games, until someone falls in love
  • Talent is insignificant. I know a lot of talented ruins. Beyond talent lie all the usual words: discipline, love, luck, but most of all, endurance
  • Words can not describe how much I love you
  • Do something you love and makes you happy, and stick with it. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks.
  • You know it’s love when someone’s happiness is more important than your own
  • Don’t fall in love with the person who will ignite a fire within you and then ignore how badly it burns.
  • If you’ve been broken and still have the courage to be gentle to others, you deserve love deeper than the ocean itself
  • I love those random memories that make you smile no matter what is going on in your life
  • People cry not because the relationship has ended. It’s because the love is still there even if it is over
  • I heard you already love someone and it’s not me
  • Love is one of those words that just gets thrown around, like a Jack and Coke sitting on a bar, it gets watered down
  • People love others not for who they are, but for how they make them feel.
  • My love is never gonna run dry, never gonna come up empty, now until the day I die
  • Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you
  • If a girl is stupid enough to love u after u broke her heart, I guarantee u, she is the one
  • Words can’t express how much I love seeing my friends win

صور حالات واتس اب انجليزية

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